Ancient Tome of the Demon (Древняя Книга Демона)

Etc old evil book i00 0.jpg Ancient Tome of the Demon Item grade NG.gif
Древняя Книга Демона

Древняя Книга Демона

  • Книга монстра, доказывающая его преданность Белефу. Если открыть ее, то она исчезнет.

Ancient Tome of the Demon

  • Book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.


Монстр Ур. Кол-во Шанс
Beleth' Minion 83 2 — 6 92.2600%
Beleth' Devotee 83 2 — 6 92.0150%
Celtus 81 6 — 18 89.0800%
Hellinark 81 14 — 44 87.9300%
Leodas 86 6 — 20 87.8900%
Master Zelos 83 9 — 25 87.6600%
Tully's Golem Guard 83 2 — 6 86.2100%
Beleth' Assassin 83 4 — 8 86.1000%
Guzen 83 6 — 20 79.5300%
Foundry Foreman Assistant 83 1 — 1 78.7600%
Beleth' Projection 83 3 — 9 77.6500%
Foundry Foreman 83 9 — 27 77.3800%
Master Festina 83 9 — 27 77.3000%
Foundry Spirit Guard 83 3 — 9 76.2900%
Cosmic Lord 83 7 — 21 76.2300%
Beleth' Fighter 83 6 — 20 76.1900%
Beleth' Follower 83 2 — 6 74.5000%
Master's Subordinate 83 2 — 6 74.2200%
Beleth' Subordinate 83 3 — 9 74.1400%
Arcane Watchman 81 2 — 6 73.1000%
Junior Summoner 81 1 — 3 72.9850%
Arcane Scout 81 2 — 6 71.3200%
Junior Watchman 81 1 — 3 71.2000%
Keltas 81 4 — 12 71.0000%
Steel Citadel Keymaster 81 3 — 9 68.3800%
Arcane Captain 83 4 — 12 65.0600%
Cosmic Priest 83 3 — 9 64.4100%
Chimera of Wind 81 2 — 6 62.6500%
Chimera of Darkness 81 2 — 6 62.1700%
Chimera of Fire 81 2 — 6 61.4600%
Master's Escort 83 2 — 6 61.3600%
Chimera of Earth 81 2 — 6 60.9950%
Amaskari 86 2 — 4 60.4400%
Failan's Guard 83 1 — 1 60.4100%
Quarry Patrol Captain 81 2 — 6 58.4300%
Enceinte Guard 81 1 — 1 58.2400%
Quarry Patrol 81 1 — 3 58.1400%
Desert Scorpion 81 1 — 3 58.1200%
Slave of Wrath 83 1 — 1 57.0500%
Slave of Sloth 83 1 — 1 57.0000%
Slave of Pride 83 1 — 1 56.3700%
Beleth' Confidant 83 3 — 9 56.2300%
Slave of Greed 83 1 — 1 56.1400%
Slave of Lust 83 1 — 1 56.0900%
Slave of Gluttony 83 1 — 1 56.0100%
Arcane Guardian 81 1 — 3 55.7600%
Slave of Envy 83 1 — 1 55.3800%
Sand Scorpion 81 1 — 3 54.8700%
Sandstorm 81 1 — 3 54.7000%
Town Patrolman 81 1 — 3 54.5700%
Foundry Wizard 83 2 — 6 54.3000%
Quarry Supervisor 81 1 — 1 51.1400%
Wizard's Toy 83 1 — 1 48.7800%
Original Sin Warden 83 2 — 6 46.1300%
Cosmic Watcher 83 2 — 6 46.1000%
Tully's Toy 83 1 — 1 46.0200%
Cosmic Scout 83 1 — 2 44.3300%
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem 83 1 — 1 40.8800%
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 1 — 3 39.7200%
Sand Devil 81 1 — 1 36.2600%
Town Guard 81 1 — 1 35.9800%
Soul Exploiter 81 1 — 1 34.0900%
Blind Huntsman 81 1 — 1 27.2900%
Blind Watchman 81 1 — 1 24.4600%
Wandering Caravan 81 1 — 1 18.9900%
Remnant Wraith 81 1 — 1 18.2900%
Darion's Enforcer 81 1 — 1 12.8200%
Charmed Native 81 1 — 1 12.0300%
Subjugated Native 81 1 — 1 11.1550%
Foundry Laborer 83 1 — 1 10.2200%
Darion's Executioner 81 1 — 1 9.7950%
Tortured Native 86 1 — 1 8.5790%

Etc old evil book i00 0.jpg Ancient Tome of the Demon Item grade NG.gif
Древняя Книга Демона

Древняя Книга Демона

  • Книга монстра, доказывающая его преданность Белефу. Если открыть ее, то она исчезнет.

Ancient Tome of the Demon

  • Book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.


Монстр Ур. Кол-во Шанс
Beleth' Minion 83 2 — 6 94.2950%
Celtus 81 6 — 18 91.2150%
Master Zelos 83 9 — 25 90.6750%
Beleth' Devotee 83 2 — 6 89.5400%
Hellinark 81 14 — 44 89.2500%
Tully's Golem Guard 83 2 — 6 88.4500%
Beleth' Assassin 83 4 — 8 86.5600%
Leodas 86 6 — 20 84.3800%
Guzen 83 6 — 20 83.6300%
Master Festina 83 9 — 27 82.8000%
Foundry Foreman Assistant 83 1 — 1 80.7500%
Foundry Foreman 83 9 — 27 80.0300%
Beleth' Follower 83 2 — 6 77.7700%
Beleth' Subordinate 83 3 — 9 76.5200%
Foundry Spirit Guard 83 3 — 9 76.1100%
Beleth' Fighter 83 6 — 20 75.6000%
Cosmic Lord 83 7 — 21 75.4100%
Master's Subordinate 83 2 — 6 75.0800%
Beleth' Projection 83 3 — 9 74.9600%
Junior Summoner 81 1 — 3 72.7300%
Keltas 81 4 — 12 72.2000%
Junior Watchman 81 1 — 3 71.6100%
Arcane Scout 81 2 — 6 71.4300%
Arcane Watchman 81 2 — 6 71.2500%
Steel Citadel Keymaster 81 3 — 9 69.4600%
Cosmic Priest 83 3 — 9 66.7200%
Chimera of Wind 81 2 — 6 63.8500%
Chimera of Darkness 81 2 — 6 63.4600%
Arcane Captain 83 4 — 12 62.9400%
Chimera of Earth 81 2 — 6 62.0000%
Chimera of Fire 81 2 — 6 61.5000%
Amaskari 86 2 — 4 60.5400%
Master's Escort 83 2 — 6 60.3700%
Enceinte Guard 81 1 — 1 60.2400%
Failan's Guard 83 1 — 1 60.2200%
Quarry Patrol Captain 81 2 — 6 60.1700%
Desert Scorpion 81 1 — 3 58.3500%
Quarry Patrol 81 1 — 3 57.3000%
Slave of Envy 83 1 — 1 56.9300%
Sand Scorpion 81 1 — 3 56.6800%
Slave of Lust 83 1 — 1 56.6400%
Slave of Pride 83 1 — 1 56.6200%
Arcane Guardian 81 1 — 3 56.3500%
Slave of Sloth 83 1 — 1 56.2000%
Sandstorm 81 1 — 3 55.8800%
Beleth' Confidant 83 3 — 9 55.3100%
Slave of Gluttony 83 1 — 1 55.1400%
Slave of Greed 83 1 — 1 54.6700%
Slave of Wrath 83 1 — 1 54.5800%
Foundry Wizard 83 2 — 6 54.3200%
Town Patrolman 81 1 — 3 53.5700%
Quarry Supervisor 81 1 — 1 52.2400%
Wizard's Toy 83 1 — 1 49.6900%
Original Sin Warden 83 2 — 6 47.1100%
Cosmic Watcher 83 2 — 6 45.5100%
Tully's Toy 83 1 — 1 45.2900%
Cosmic Scout 83 1 — 2 44.9600%
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem 83 1 — 1 41.7300%
Sand Devil 81 1 — 1 39.6700%
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 1 — 3 38.1200%
Town Guard 81 1 — 1 35.7300%
Soul Exploiter 81 1 — 1 35.3600%
Blind Huntsman 81 1 — 1 27.6200%
Blind Watchman 81 1 — 1 24.7500%
Wandering Caravan 81 1 — 1 18.8700%
Remnant Wraith 81 1 — 1 17.2900%
Darion's Enforcer 81 1 — 1 11.8600%
Subjugated Native 81 1 — 1 11.7250%
Charmed Native 81 1 — 1 11.4500%
Foundry Laborer 83 1 — 1 10.5100%
Darion's Executioner 81 1 — 1 9.8130%
Tortured Native 86 1 — 1 8.6870%

Etc old evil book i00 0.jpgAncient Tome of the Demon Item grade NG.gif
Древняя Книга Демона

Древняя Книга Демона

  • Книга монстра, доказывающая его преданность Белефу. Если открыть ее, то она исчезнет.

Ancient Tome of the Demon

  • A book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.

악마의 고서

  • 몬스터들이 베레스에 대한 신앙심의 증표로 지녔던 책. 물리적인 힘으로 책을 펼치면 책은 사라진다.


Монстр Ур. Кол-во Шанс
Beleth' Minion 83 2 — 6 47.5646%
Beleth' Assassin 83 4 — 8 40.4388%
Celtus 81 6 — 18 40.2578%
Master Zelos 83 9 — 25 38.9911%
Tully's Golem Guard 83 2 — 6 37.2859%
Cosmic Lord 83 7 — 21 37.2037%
Beleth' Fighter 83 6 — 20 37.0100%
Beleth' Devotee 83 2 — 6 36.2135%
Guzen 83 6 — 20 35.1768%
Leodas 86 6 — 20 34.9512%
Foundry Foreman 83 9 — 27 34.4220%
Beleth' Follower 83 2 — 6 33.0716%
Master's Subordinate 83 2 — 6 32.7388%
Master Festina 83 9 — 27 31.1378%
Junior Summoner 81 1 — 3 30.8100%
Chimera of Darkness 81 2 — 6 30.6497%
Cosmic Priest 83 3 — 9 30.5696%
Hellinark 81 14 — 44 30.0806%
Enceinte Guard 81 1 — 1 29.1040%
Keltas 81 4 — 12 27.6349%
Arcane Scout 81 2 — 6 27.4793%
Slave of Wrath 83 1 — 1 27.0685%
Chimera of Wind 81 2 — 6 26.7902%
Junior Watchman 81 1 — 3 26.5770%
Foundry Foreman Assistant 83 1 — 1 26.5487%
Beleth' Subordinate 83 3 — 9 25.9792%
Failan's Guard 83 1 — 1 25.9285%
Beleth' Projection 83 3 — 9 25.8693%
Steel Citadel Keymaster 81 3 — 9 25.4839%
Foundry Spirit Guard 83 3 — 9 25.3085%
Arcane Guardian 81 1 — 3 25.2408%
Chimera of Fire 81 2 — 6 25.1875%
Sand Scorpion 81 1 — 3 24.9099%
Arcane Watchman 81 2 — 6 24.7794%
Quarry Patrol 81 1 — 3 23.8105%
Arcane Captain 83 4 — 12 23.7628%
Slave of Greed 83 1 — 1 23.5619%
Desert Scorpion 81 1 — 3 23.1581%
Foundry Wizard 83 2 — 6 23.0535%
Quarry Patrol Captain 81 2 — 6 22.4997%
Beleth' Confidant 83 3 — 9 22.4260%
Slave of Pride 83 1 — 1 21.1430%
Slave of Envy 83 1 — 1 20.1976%
Cosmic Scout 83 1 — 2 20.1150%
Quarry Supervisor 81 1 — 1 19.7915%
Chimera of Earth 81 2 — 6 19.5993%
Sand Devil 81 1 — 1 18.4328%
Sandstorm 81 1 — 3 18.3226%
Cosmic Watcher 83 2 — 6 18.0040%
Town Patrolman 81 1 — 3 17.9156%
Slave of Sloth 83 1 — 1 16.8841%
Original Sin Warden 83 2 — 6 16.3020%
Amaskari 86 2 — 4 15.6020%
Soul Exploiter 81 1 — 1 13.9985%
Slave of Gluttony 83 1 — 1 13.6687%
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 1 — 3 13.0511%
Blind Watchman 81 1 — 1 12.2392%
Blind Huntsman 81 1 — 1 10.8576%
Wizard's Toy 83 1 — 1 10.3723%
Slave of Lust 83 1 — 1 9.9158%
Town Guard 81 1 — 1 7.1753%
Master's Escort 83 2 — 6 3.4979%
Darion's Executioner 81 1 — 1 3.4884%
Tortured Native 86 1 — 1 3.4673%
Darion's Enforcer 81 1 — 1 3.1656%
Foundry Laborer 83 1 — 1 2.6768%
Tully's Toy 83 1 — 1 2.5618%
Wandering Caravan 81 1 — 1 2.1109%
Failed Experimental Timetwister Golem 83 1 — 1 2.0954%
Charmed Native 81 1 — 1 2.0420%
Remnant Wraith 81 1 — 1 0.8534%
Subjugated Native 81 1 — 1 0.3368%

Etc old evil book i00 0.jpgAncient Tome of the Demon Item grade NG.gif

Ancient Tome of the Demon

  • A book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.

Etc old evil book i00 0.jpgAncient Tome of the Demon Item grade NG.gif

Ancient Tome of the Demon

  • A book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.


Монстр Ур. Кол-во Шанс
Master Zelos 85 9 — 25 89.9700%
Celtus 81 6 — 18 88.4200%
Hellinark 1 14 — 44 86.9600%
Guzen 85 6 — 20 80.3100%
Master's Minion 86 2 — 6 75.7600%
Cosmic Lord 85 7 — 21 74.5800%
Arcane Watchman 81 2 — 6 72.8400%
Junior Summoner 81 1 — 3 72.1000%
Junior Watchman 81 1 — 3 72.1000%
Keltas 84 4 — 12 70.8000%
Arcane Scout 81 2 — 6 70.5400%
Steel Citadel Keymaster 85 3 — 9 67.8600%
Cosmic Priest 85 3 — 9 65.5700%
Chimera of Wind 81 2 — 6 63.7300%
Chimera of Darkness 81 2 — 6 63.7300%
Chimera of Fire 81 2 — 6 61.5600%
Chimera of Earth 81 2 — 6 61.3000%
Amaskari 1 2 — 4 60.1900%
Quarry Foreman 84 2 — 6 59.7700%
Enceinte Defender 85 1 — 1 59.2500%
Desert Scorpion 81 2 — 6 57.4300%
Arcane Guardian 81 1 — 3 57.0100%
Quarry Patrolman 84 1 — 3 56.9600%
Sand Scorpion 84 1 — 3 56.0200%
Sandstorm 81 1 — 3 55.6400%
Town Patrolman 85 1 — 3 53.8300%
Quarry Supervisor 84 1 — 1 51.8800%
Cosmic Watcher 85 2 — 6 46.4600%
Cosmic Scout 85 1 — 2 44.3500%
Sand Devil 84 1 — 1 38.1100%
Town Guard 85 1 — 1 37.0200%
Desiccator 84 1 — 1 35.7200%
Blind Huntsman 81 1 — 1 28.4900%
Blind Watchman 81 1 — 1 25.5400%
Wandering Caravan 81 1 — 1 18.4900%
Remnant Wraith 81 1 — 1 17.9200%
Quarry Bowman 84 1 — 1 16.3300%
Darion's Enforcer 84 1 — 1 12.2100%
Charmed Native 83 1 — 1 11.6100%
Subjugated Native 83 1 — 1 11.2500%
Darion's Executioner 84 1 — 1 9.8300%
Tortured Native 1 1 — 1 8.6400%

Etc old evil book i00 0.jpgAncient Tome of the Demon Item grade NG.gif

Ancient Tome of the Demon

  • A book possessed by monsters to prove their devotion to Beleth. It will disappear if forced open.


Монстр Ур. Кол-во Шанс
Celtus 84 6 — 18 88.4200%
Guzen 85 6 — 20 80.3100%
Cosmic Lord 85 7 — 21 78.0000%
Arcane Watchman 83 2 — 6 72.8400%
Junior Watchman 83 1 — 3 72.1000%
Junior Summoner 83 1 — 3 72.1000%
Arcane Scout 83 2 — 6 70.5400%
Cosmic Priest 85 3 — 9 68.0000%
Steel Citadel Keymaster 85 3 — 9 67.8600%
Chimera of Wind 84 2 — 6 63.7300%
Chimera of Darkness 84 2 — 6 63.7300%
Chimera of Fire 84 2 — 6 61.5600%
Chimera of Earth 84 2 — 6 61.3000%
Amaskari 1 2 — 4 60.1900%
Desert Scorpion 84 2 — 6 57.4300%
Arcane Guardian 83 1 — 3 57.0100%
Sandstorm 84 1 — 3 55.6400%
Town Patrolman 85 1 — 3 53.8300%
Cosmic Watcher 85 2 — 6 50.0000%
Town Guard 85 1 — 1 37.0200%
Desiccator 84 1 — 1 35.7200%
Cosmic Scout 85 1 — 2 33.3333%
Blind Huntsman 83 1 — 1 28.4900%
Blind Watchman 83 1 — 1 25.5400%
Wandering Caravan 84 1 — 1 18.4900%
Remnant Wraith 83 1 — 1 17.9200%
Tortured Native 1 1 — 1 8.6400%

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