Bracelet of Friendship (Браслет Дружбы)

Accessory ring of friendship i00 0.jpg Bracelet of Friendship [30-dayItem grade NG.gif
Браслет Дружбы [30 дней]
Тип: Браслет

Браслет Дружбы [30 дней]

  • Браслет Дружбы, позволяющий призвать друга к себе. Необходимо, чтобы оба человека обладали Браслетом Дружбы. Время действия: 30 дн. Нельзя обменять/выбросить.

Bracelet of Friendship [30-day]

  • Friendship bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when both the summoner and the one being summoned are equipped with the Bracelet of Friendship. Can be used for 30 days. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

Accessory ring of friendship i00 0.jpg Bracelet of Friendship [30-Day Limited PeriodItem grade NG.gif
Браслет Дружбы [30 дней]
Тип: Браслет

Браслет Дружбы [30 дней]

  • Браслет Дружбы, позволяющий призвать друга к себе. Необходимо, чтобы оба человека обладали Браслетом Дружбы. Время действия: 30 дн. Нельзя обменять/выбросить.

Bracelet of Friendship [30-Day Limited Period]

  • Friendship bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when both the summoner and the one being summoned are equipped with the Bracelet of Friendship. Can be used for 30 days. Cannot be exchanged or dropped.

Accessory ring of friendship i00 0.jpgBracelet of Friendship [30-day limited periodItem grade NG.gif
Браслет Дружбы [Время действия: 30 дней]
Тип: Браслет

Браслет Дружбы [Время действия: 30 дней]

  • Браслет Дружбы, позволяющий призвать друга к себе. Необходимо, чтобы оба человека обладали Браслетом Дружбы. Время действия: 30 дн. Нельзя обменять/выбросить.

Bracelet of Friendship [30-day limited period]

  • A friendship bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when both the summoner and the one being summoned are equipped with the Bracelet of Friendship. Can be used for 30 days. No exchange/drop available

우정 팔찌 [30일 기간제]

  • 친구를 소환할 수 있는 우정 팔찌. 소환자와 피소환자 모두 우정 팔찌를 착용하고 있어야 소환이 가능하다. 30일 동안 사용 가능. 교환, 드랍 불가

Accessory ring of friendship i00 0.jpgBracelet of Friendship [30 day limited periodItem grade NG.gif
Тип: Браслет

Bracelet of Friendship [30 day limited period]

  • A friendship bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when both the summoner and the one being summoned are equipped with the Bracelet of Friendship. Can be used for 30 days. No exchange/drop available

Accessory ring of friendship i00 0.jpgBracelet of Friendship [30 day limited periodItem grade NG.gif
Тип: Браслет

Bracelet of Friendship [30 day limited period]

  • A friendship bracelet that can summon a friend. The summon is possible when both the summoner and the one being summoned are equipped with the Bracelet of Friendship. Can be used for 30 days. No exchange/drop available

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