Penitent's Manacles (Оковы Грешника)

Etc leash i00 0.jpg Penitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Оковы Грешника
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Оковы Грешника

  • Тяжелый набор оков, сделанных по приказу Черного Судьи. Отнесите их Черному Судье.

Penitent's Manacles

  • Heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpg Penitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Оковы Грешника
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Оковы Грешника

  • Тяжелый набор оков, сделанных по приказу Черного Судьи. Отнесите их Черному Судье.

Penitent's Manacles

  • Heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgPenitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Оковы Грешника
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Оковы Грешника

  • Тяжелый набор оков, сделанных по приказу Черного Судьи. Отнесите их Черному Судье.

Penitent's Manacles

  • A heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

속죄자의 수갑

  • 검은 심판자의 말에 따라 제작한 수갑. 검은 심판자에게 가져가라.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgPenitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Penitent's Manacles

  • A heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgPenitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Penitent's Manacles

  • A heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgPenitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Penitent's Manacles

  • A heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgPenitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Penitent's Manacles

  • A heavy set of manacles forged at the Black Judge's behest. Take them to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgPenitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Penitent's Manacles

  • The manacles that the Dark Judge orders you to make. Take them to the Dark Judge.

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