Penitent's Manacles (Кандалы Грешника)

Etc leash i00 0.jpg Penitent's Manacles Item grade NG.gif
Кандалы Грешника
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Кандалы Грешника

  • Кандалы, оставшиеся после исчезновения Чревоугодника. С их помощью больше невозможно выполнять квесты, но Вы можете продать их в торговую лавку.

Penitent's Manacles

  • Manacles that are used to summon the Sin Eater. They are just normal manacles now that the Sin Eater is gone. You cannot start a quest with these manacles but you can sell them to a trader.

Etc leash i00 0.jpg Manacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Кандалы Грешника
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Кандалы Грешника

  • Кандалы, оставшиеся после исчезновения Чревоугодника. Для повторения квеста отнесите их Черному Судье.

Manacles of Penitent

  • Having consumed your sins, the Sin Eater Has disappeared, leaving you with this ordinary pair of manacles. To repeat this quest, take them back to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgManacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Кандалы Грешника
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Кандалы Грешника

  • Кандалы, оставшиеся после исчезновения Чревоугодника. Для повторения квеста отнесите их Черному Судье.

Manacles of Penitent

  • Having consumed your sins, the Sin Eater has disappeared, leaving you with this ordinary pair of manacles. To repeat this quest, take them back to the Black Judge.

속죄자의 수갑

  • 죄를 먹는 자를 소환하는 데 사용되던 수갑. 죄를 먹는 자가 사라진 지금은 평범한 수갑에 불과하다.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgManacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Manacles of Penitent

  • Having consumed your sins, the Sin Eater has disappeared, leaving you with this ordinary pair of manacles. To repeat this quest, take them back to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgManacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Manacles of Penitent

  • Having consumed your sins, the Sin Eater has disappeared, leaving you with this ordinary pair of manacles. To repeat this quest, take them back to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgManacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Manacles of Penitent

  • Having consumed your sins, the Sin Eater has disappeared, leaving you with this ordinary pair of manacles. To repeat this quest, take them back to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgManacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Manacles of Penitent

  • Having consumed your sins, the Sin Eater has disappeared, leaving you with this ordinary pair of manacles. To repeat this quest, take them back to the Black Judge.

Etc leash i00 0.jpgManacles of Penitent Item grade NG.gif
Цена:Adena.jpg 22000 Adena

Manacles of Penitent

  • Manacles used to summon a man who eats sins. When he disappears you are left with an ordinary pair of manacles..

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