Vadin's Sanctions (Одобрение Вадина)

Etc letter white i00 0.jpg Vadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Одобрение Вадина
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Одобрение Вадина

  • Письмо Вадина, разрешающее использовать Меч Оков. Отнесите его сэру Клаусу Васперу в Глудин.

Vadin's Sanctions

  • Sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Seal. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpg Vadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Одобрение Вадина
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Одобрение Вадина

  • Письмо Вадина, разрешающее использовать Меч Оков. Отнесите его сэру Клаусу Васперу в Глудин.

Vadin's Sanctions

  • Sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgVadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Одобрение Вадина
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Одобрение Вадина

  • Письмо Вадина, разрешающее использовать Меч Оков. Отнесите его сэру Клаусу Васперу в Глудин.

Vadin's Sanctions

  • A sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

바딘의 허가서

  • 신관 바딘이 준 봉인의 검 사용 허가서. 이것을 글루딘 마을의 카렐 베스퍼 경에게 가져가라.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgVadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Vadin's Sanctions

  • A sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgVadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Vadin's Sanctions

  • A sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgVadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Vadin's Sanctions

  • A sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgVadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Vadin's Sanctions

  • A sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

Etc letter white i00 0.jpgVadin's Sanctions Item grade NG.gif
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Vadin's Sanctions

  • A sanctions letter from Vadin allowing for the use of the Sword of Binding. Take this to Sir Klaus Vasper of the Town of Gludin.

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