Wind Crystal (Кристалл Ветра)

Etc gem green i00 0.jpg Wind Crystal Item grade NG.gif
Кристалл Ветра

Кристалл Ветра

  • Большой кристалл, который содержит энергию Ветра. Возьмите его и найдите Сундук Ветра.

Wind Crystal

  • Lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpg Wind Crystal Item grade NG.gif
Кристалл Ветра

Кристалл Ветра

  • Большой кристалл, который содержит энергию Ветра. Возьмите его и найдите Сундук Ветра.

Wind Crystal

  • Lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpgWind Crystal Item grade NG.gif
Кристалл Ветра

Кристалл Ветра

  • Большой кристалл, который содержит энергию Ветра. Возьмите его и найдите Сундук Ветра.

Wind Crystal

  • A lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

바람의 수정

  • 바람의 기운을 품고 있는 수정덩어리. 바람의 석상을 찾아 바쳐야 한다.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpgWind Crystal Item grade NG.gif

Wind Crystal

  • A lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpgWind Crystal Item grade NG.gif

Wind Crystal

  • A lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpgWind Crystal Item grade NG.gif

Wind Crystal

  • A lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpgCrystal of Wind Item grade NG.gif

Crystal of Wind

  • A lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Etc gem green i00 0.jpgCrystal of Wind Item grade NG.gif

Crystal of Wind

  • A lump of crystal that contains the energy of wind. You should find the Stone Statue of Wind and dedicate it to the statue.

Похожие предметы

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Похожие умения

Etc scroll white i00 0.jpg Wind (Ветер)
Skill0000 0.jpg Wind Crystal (Кристалл Ветра)
Skill0000 0.jpg Wind Crystal (Кристалл Ветра)
Skill0000 0.jpg Wind Crystal (Кристалл Ветра)
Skill0000 0.jpg Wind Crystal (Кристалл Земли)

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